E-book means an electronic book which consist of text, images and readable on computer and other electronic devices. If you are a passionate and professional blogger or a businessman then it is sure that you have to write an eBook on your niche. It’s a difficult job for beginners to create a 3D e-book cover in Photoshop.
How to Create 3D eBook Covers?
You can able to create amazing eBook covers online for free! Look at the below cover designed by me.- To create this type of cover, go to MyeCoverMaker website.
- Select any of the first 5 free templates.
- You can select available backgrounds or upload your own.
- Crop it according to your requirement and then click on Crop Selection.
- You can also add text, your own image and other things as you need. After that click on Finalize.
- Now your cover is ready for download. You can download it as 2D or 3D.