Users of the popular video chat and messaging application Skype are being targeted by a round of ransomware and click fraud that is being sent around as a message from contacts. The message reads "lol is this your new profile pic?" and is then followed by a link. The link downloads a zip file, which contains an executable that infects the system.
The ransomware also simulates legitimate clicks on websites and such to generate ad revenue for the creators of the ransomware. Not only are you having to pay to unlock the system, but your computer generates money for the creators even if you don't pay up. Microsoft has responded to the issue:
"Skype takes the user experience very seriously, particularly when it comes to security," a Skype spokesperson told The Next Web. "We are aware of this malicious activity and are working quickly to mitigate its impact. We strongly recommend upgrading to the newest Skype version and applying updated security features on your computer. Additionally, following links - even when from your contacts - that look strange or are unexpected is not advisable."