The TIME is quickly approaching:
To all Protesting Members of profitclicking, the time is just around the bend for us to 'show and prove' ourselves to:
ProfitClicking's management/owners,
All the members that are continuing to assist PC,
Our downlines that have been devastated by PC's actions,
All present and future ADMINS that run or will create programs,
All the authorities that are on stand-by to take PC offline,
And to the whole-wide world....
That WE are not going to continue to listen to false promises and sit by and watch as PC ignores how
it has destroyed people's lives, dreams, hopes and wishes of bettering their financial futures. A notice was sent out to PC once again asking
to have a proper withdrawal process installed for the basic system. It is my strong assumption that PC will ignore this notice and not respond as they are "ZOOMING"
with collecting new funds. As of Thursday March 21, 2013 at 10 a.m. EST,
if you have not received an email from PC stating their immediate actions to install a proper withdrawal system in basic, then PC will have clearly shown it has no interest in respecting its member's needs.
At this point the Protest will move on toward the final goal of halting PC and all its fraudulent business practices. Now I'm going to ask that you: Stand together, be prepared and hold your ground on the issue of -
"online money programs should do as they promise or NOT be in business"....and
be prepared for further actions!
Please Comment your Idea and Share it's to your Friends and Social Network....