Intichat was created for online marketers, entrepreneurs and social networkers that want to make extra money online.
For sign up FREE :http://www.intichat.com
While facebook and google are getting rich at the expense of its users, intichat wants to share the profits with you.
It's very simple, we make money from our advertisers and are going to share that money with you and all the users of intichat that qualify. After you joined intichat, you only need to do 2 things to qualify for daily earnings.
#1) Earn 500 or more Mega Points.
#2) Upload a profile image.

We've created a unique algorithm that will allow you to earn cash every month, based on your online activity. The more you use intichat, and the more referrals that sign up under you, the more you earn! All payments are sent out the 5th of each month with a 1 month delay, example: Your earnings for June will be paid August 5th, July will be paid September 5th and so on.
You can also earn points just for using the site like you would any other social network. Each action, like uploading photos and posting comments earns a point value, which is also calculated into your monthly profits sharing payout.
In addition to your monthly profits sharing payment you can also earn even more in the Mega Points section. Complete offers from our sponsors and earn CASH or PRIZES. Click mega points for more details.
The amount of money that you earn each month is based on several different factors of your activity on intichat and each factor carries it's own weight. But it really boils down to this… use intichat everyday, refer your friends to do the same and receive a monthly check or deposit.
All factors are calculated daily, and if you qualify you will see your profits update 1 time every 24 hours.
Here is a list of most important monthly factors.
1) The number of successful referrals you send to intichat using your unique referral link which is http://www.intichat.com/invite/user_76854
2) The Number of votes that you receive on your items posted to intichat.
3) The number of votes you give to other users items on intichat
4) The amount of time your account is logged in to intichat
5) The amount of pages that you visit on intichat
6) The number of items that you've uploaded or created, ie: photos, videos, music, pages, blogs ect...
7) Your overall number of activity points.
For sign up FREE: http://www.intichat.com
Basic strategy to earn the most amount of money.
Refer as many new users to sign up under you as you can.
Get other users to vote for your profile and the items that you post.
Give votes to other users, max votes you are allowed to give daily is 100.
Log into your account everyday and keep it logged in as often as possible.
Upload photos, videos and music.
Create pages, listings, blogs, polls and get people to vote for your items.
And don't forget to visit our sponsors if you see an ad that you like.
03.Pay by check
Good job but how much i earn